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Sales Manager / Sales Executive

Job Requirements
  • F.5 or above with at least 1-2 year experience in direct selling or customer service
  • Responsible for developing new customer, cold call & other sales activities
  • Experience in O.A., Telecom and Furniture field is an advantage
  • Analytical mind and strong problem solving skills.

Attractive fringe benefits such as 5.5 -day-work, CNY Bonus and medical scheme, will be provided. Interested parties please send detailed resume to fax no 2232 6662 or apply through email at recruit@i-power.com.hk for immediate process.

Qualification: Matriculated
Yr(s) Exp: 1 year(s)
Job Location: Wanchai District
Salary: Not Specified / Negotiable
Job Type: Full Time, Permanent
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